Barcelona Capital is a Quebec corporation based in Montreal. It was founded in October 2005. It collaborates in different partnerships and offers several types of financing. In order to diversify, it also invests in different companies.
It attaches great importance to transparency and security is one of the company’s key principles. Barcelona provides loans using its own funds and does not solicit investors.
Through different financing and partnership programs, the company provides unique, leading-edge solutions.
Since its inception, it has offered its unique home ownership program, which provides guidance and down payment financing at a highly competitive rate.
This unrivalled, award-winning program has helped thousands of families become homeowners without having to save for a down payment. When the program was launched, the entire province of Quebec was covered. With the decline in demand for real estate in 2008/2010, we limited the territory to the Greater Montreal area, but expanded it again in 2014 to include the Eastern Townships and Quebec City. Thanks to Barcelona, these families have been able to stop paying rent and start earning equity.
Commercial financing programs—tailored to the borrower’s actual situation—provide assistance to many companies. Whether paid out as a partnership, an investment or financing, funding from Barcelona provides a springboard for reaching their objectives—or even exceeding them!
Barcelona Capital is a good corporate citizen! We give back to society by sponsoring different events that impact families, including the Classique Hivernale Novice Barcelona Capital, organized for several years now for the benefit of the Fondation Arlor.
Today, Barcelona Capital Inc. is known as the province’s leading down payment financing company.

410 Saint-Nicolas, Suite 236
Montréal Québec
H2Y 2P5